Evening continues to grow tremendously and is daily stronger. She feels a hair over 12 lbs now - but we'll get that verified on Friday at the pediatrians when we go for her next set of RSV shots. Her rest has become more regular as well with much more consistant crib time and is taking after her father, grandfather and greatgrandfather with the deep paternal history of daytime napping (she has however yet to fall asleep while reading the paper).
Thanksgiving was enjoyable up in Rochester with the little one. We did have to do a little dodge and move to avoid a couple family ailments - but it seemed to work alright. Sadly, I noticed my complete overindulgence in Thanksgiving feast compromised due to the fact that I held Evening during the meal - though I think everyone was thankful for that change.
This Friday - Evening will be three months old. Hoping that we can take a collective breath to realize what a trying but truly wonderful three months it has been. Can't wait to see what the next bit revels as she continues to strengthen, smile and grow.