Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy Holidays

Holidays are here in a big way. Really looking forward to a bit more time chasing Evie around the house. She seems to have a larger vocabulary than me lately. Talking, running and laughing - and always mischevious. She continues to be quite healthy even despite her parents' ailments. Recent checkup had Evie busting up in the 100th percentile with her height.
Just kicking around Ithaca for Christmas and heading to Rochester around New Years. Our best to you and yours this holiday season! Peace be with you.
Evie, Ruth and Scott

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Little Dynamo

Ithaca Farmers Market CSA

Grandma and Eve

Preparing for Cousin Tara's Baptism

Great fall in Ithaca. Leaves are falling, the Ducks are looking strong, Evening is sweet as ever. We met with her new cardiologist in Rochester last month and the report was very positive. Continuing grow like a weed and her heart is strong.

Just getting off a bit of an ailment, Halloween was a bit short for the bumblebee, but a very good time.

Crazy Bumblebee

Hope all is well with you and yours. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. GO DUCKS!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Eve of the Worst and Best Day of My Life

October 11th marks the one year anniversary of Evening's open heart surgery.

It's a day that will never blur. The images of that dark autumn morning with Ruthie and our sweet, five week old little girl will never escape me. Taking her to the hospital that morning, handing her over to the anesthesiology team for surgery (despite the fact that she outwardly appeared perfectly healthy) was the single most difficult action of my life. We knew we had to do it for her long term health, but that didn't make the testing, preparing and waiting any easier.

The day dragged on - and after an incredibly long wait - positive news from the surgical team jumpstarted my soul and allowed me to embrace her intense post-surgery recovery. It was also at this time when the great time, words, pictures and symbols of support poured in from friends and family around the world - even from folks we hadn't met. Because of these kind efforts and the noble work of the health care staff and countless others - the day developed to be a tremendous one - the best in my estimation. I will never forget those efforts.

I carry the vividness of that day with me always. It seems to help sharpen my vision of the present. I obsess much less on the future - and rather focus on the beauty of the day. Little Miss Evening Rian is an incredible reminder of that. She's everything I hoped for from a 13th month old, and so much more.

She is a little wild woman now - a little Walker Texas Ranger. She went from taking a few steps between us to galloping up and down the street, across the yard, up the rocker, down the stairs and leaping into our arms. She seems to know no fear and is such a great character. She certainly is a prankster and daredevil. My mother and mother-in-law have to keep reminding me that during her recovery I said (and the blog will confirm) that anything she want's she gets after having gone through that. Some days she seems to already be testing that.

Most days her hair is red and she smiles to show off her teeth. She is a student of the tamobourine, enjoys petting trees and eating cherry tomatoes off the vine, and asking her folks "What's this?" regarding most everything.

I'm so very thankful to our friends and family, the Golisano Children's hospital and especially Ruthie for that day and what that's meant to the great our little tomato Evening has become.

Thank you for that day, today and always.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Girl is 1!!!

Oh my - the sweet little girl is a full one year old. As a friend recently mentioned - with young children the days are long and years are short. She has genuinely sweetened with each day - can't get enough of her. We paused to celebrate the year on her birthday last Saturday - September 8 with family, friends and neighbors. Planned for the event to be outside though significant rains rolled in.
Evening had a great time with everyone and still enjoyed her alone time. She was especially pleased that the Oregon Duck football squad took down Michigan on her birthday (she'd like to attend a game next year for her birthday). All the excitement made the little girl a little tired so she laid down for a nap at about 5PM...and ended up sleeping through the night. So cupcakes and presents had to wait until Sunday morning.

Mama and Evie

Things have been really great in Ithaca and Evening continues to's a quick update of some of her specifics...

Shopping with the new cart

Months: 12

Approx. Weight: 22 lbs.

Height: Real Tall

Teeth: 9 or so

Walking: Few steps here and there, pushing around anything she can get her hands on

Into: Everything

Sleeping: Incredible

Smiling: All the time

Heart: Strong as ever

Ruthie and Rosie's cupcakes

Lucy and Evening

Dad held the weekend record for most cupcakes consumed.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Summer of Love

And she's off...the little woman is on the move and sweet as ever. This summer has been especially sweet. For an action shot check -

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Independence Days

Lets get it started...lets get it started right. Nothing says Happy Independence Day like a mother and her 10 month old sharing an ear of corn. With Evening's eight dagger teeth - she gives her Mom a run for her money on the corn. June has been really good for the Doyle family. Her development continues well - her 9 month appointment had her riding in the 100th percentile for height. We've also had the good fortune to have some great assistance from the grandparents to fill some holes in the schedule.

We've been kicking around Ithaca and our Upstate hotspots taking in all the great state of New York has to offer. A few weeks back we rolled up to Rochester to participate in the Golisano Children's Hospital Radiothon. Raised some good money for the great hospital we owe so much to.

For the Fourth we headed on over to the Farm Sanctuary ( in Watkins Glen for there annual "Pignic" of veggie dogs and animal advocacy. Evening especially loved the cows, but was wildly upset that I would not let her grab at their heads and "pet" them. The old man is such a killjoy.

She is moving and a grooving now as well. She is so into standing that I'm surprised she doesn't sleep standing. She will pull herself up on the couch and cruise all around the room and then drop to a patented crawl where she'll swing a leg around for extra propulsion. Really getting to the point where you can't take your eye off her for a minute.

Her movements don't seem to stop. I've found myself stretching out before each time I change her just to prepare for her barrel rolls. Its like I'm in the reverse rodeo. If I can hold her steady for 8 seconds - I should be entitled to the PBR Rodeo Crown. Its really sweet, but a little stressful.

Long story short - Evening continues to do really well - and we continue to cherish each day with the sweet girl.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Summer Evening

Alright, alright. From the southern tier, to the eastern seaboard, and the great Northwest folks have "kindly" let me know how much they like seeing the updates on the little lady, so here you are. I'll likely dial the updates down to once a month now, but will commit to that. Evening is a wild woman, but is fantastic. Closing in on 9 months old - we took our first longer road trip with her - and she did great. We headed down to see Evening's godmother - her Aunt Stephanie who is a 2nd Year Grad student at Yale in New Haven then headed out to Long Island for the wedding of our long time college friend Erica Hananel. This shot above is from that wedding in Oyster Bay. Please note those are sunglasses around my neck and not a bolo tie.

Here is a gem of a photo of Evening hanging in New Haven with Stephanie and Rob's Bull Mastiff - Rocky. Very sweet fella who was very kind to Evening. After we arrived home she continued to look for him.

The beautiful ladies on the wedding day...

Evening and the old man swinging in New Haven.

Evie continues to do really well - though isn't keen on the heat. She is still very excited to be outside. I've dubbed her the "human corkscrew" for her non-stop moving and grooving and rolling - and pulling herself up. She's got a couple of top teeth getting ready to bust through and had two big chompers down low. Extra sweet and fun - looking forward to what the summer brings.

We'll hit you with an update in early July.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Unbelievable Evie!

Monday found us at the Cardiologists for Evening's follow up. We arrived feeling nervy - though left with a bit of a kick in our step.

Evening excelled - pretty much everywhere. Her oxygen saturation levels were 100%, her EKG looked good, and according to the cardiologist - she looked and sounded fantastic - he has her with no restrictions. He did indicate that when she's older we want to steer her away from smoking and intense isometric activities like power lifting. I've already practiced my speech to her "I know you want to compete in Olympic powerlifting - hell I know you could win world's strongest woman - but I just can't support it. How about tennis?" I think I'm alright with that. And smoking - never quite had that on the "gotta check that out list" for my growing daughter.

Dr. Connuck also estimated that her likely need for a valve replacement (now looking at decades if things progress well) may by the time she needs it be done via catherization as opposed to open heart surgery. We were very fired up to hear that. We had anticipated this appointment to be our last with our man Dr. Connuck, as he's leaving Rochester, though we found out that he'll be on a rotation through Pennsylvania that will bring him close to Ithaca. We are quite pleased to keep our connections with him.

Things are really great and Evening continues to inspire.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Big Week

The start to last week brought a foot of snow to Ithaca and has now transitioned to 70 degree temps. Evening much preferred the tail end of the week - she loves being outside with as little clothing as possible. Can't wait to see what the summer brings on the trail, in the garden and in the pool for the little wild woman.
We are now in Rochester visiting with family and preparing for a follow up appointment tomorrow morning with Eve's cardiologist at Strong. She appears to be doing really well - though I always am very anxious heading back into the hospital for these type of checkups. This will sadly be her last visit with her cardiologist Dr. Connuck as he's moving out of the area. Send your good thoughts our way for the sweet girl's appointment.

The approaching week also marks my last week at Cornell. I leave campus and the many great students, faculty and staff I've had the good fortune to work with to work more directly in community/environmental planning. I've been provided the opportunity to serve as a Senior Planner with the Tompkins County Planning Department - a role I am quite excited about - though I struggle with the realities of leaving campus. I'll begin that new role early next month and will be based in Downtown Ithaca just a few blocks off The Commons.
Enjoy the spring - we'll do our best to keep you updated with Evening's progress and discoveries.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Monday, April 02, 2007

Spring in Ithaca

Spring has sprung - at least for now - in Ithaca. We've had the good fortune of getting outside and on the trails. Little lady is all about the water. She's got the moves grooving up down and all around the crib and any other place she lies. Her health has continued very well. She had what should be her last shot to combat RSV and flu this season. We head back up to Rochester for a follow up cardiology appoint at the end of April. By all accounts so far her heart is strong and she continues to grow fantatically and smile - with tiny teeth - richer that ever before. Sweet, sweet Evening makes me run home from work just to see that smile. Love it!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

My First Guinness

Huge St. Patrick's Day storm rolled in leaving us with about a foot of snow - made for a good excuse to lay low, watch basketball and introduce Evening to Guinness.

She has been so sweet the last few weeks. Really loving getting outside and hiking - and is now quite the bathing beauty. Still wrestling with the teeth - she's got two monster buds on the bottom right now. She also is experimenting with some ridiculous feats of strength. I'm amazed at what she can do - especially with her legs - certainly putting her father in place.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Evie Exceeding

Yet another great week from the little lady. She had her 6 month pediatrician visit last week and all looks well. She's weighing over 16 and a half pounds and 26.5" long. That puts her in the 90%-tile for height and 75%-tile for weight. I also called our pediatrician's attention to the fact that she has a tooth coming in - his reply "Oh yes - I see the teeth (as in multiple)." The appointment culminated with about 35 shots - some vaccinations for ailments I thought were last around at the time of Merriweather Lewis.
She's just generally really sweet and sassy - and still can't get enough of being outside. She's been loving the snow and getting acquainted with the stroller. She (and I) are really excited for the spring hiking season in Central NY.
Coming up on the 1/2 year birthday on Thursday - I was thinking about renting out the skate rink, booking a REO Speedwagon Cover Band, invite 2,000 of our closest friends and have a hybrid limo pick her up - but instead think I'll wait perhaps until she's 1 - when she can really appreciate it.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Howlin' @ the Moon

These last few weeks have been my favorite yet. Evening continues with tremendous health and beautiful spirit. I love it. After the big Valentine's Day storm that netted us over 2 feet of snow we've had the good fortune to get out and hike a bit and she absolutely loves it. In an outing after work last week she was shouting her sweet little song at the moon - just gets sad when its time to come in. Here's a few gems for the last little bit...

Sweet Evening in her patented relaxed pose

Ruthie and Evening at Downtown Ithaca's Chili Cookoff on The Commons - Evening did not directly partake in the taste testing

Oscar night brought the Little Miss Sweet Potato Eating Contest - Pictured above is the Hands Down Winner

Sporting the New Haven Farmer's Market Getup - from our Yale connection - Sister/Aunt/Godmother Stephanie Margo