I must admit to a sense of relief for not "having to" regularly update this blog, because Evie's health has been so great, and I just haven't felt the need to do so. Well. That feeling has changed.
The beautiful news is Evie continues to do well and is a boisterous 3.5 year old. Days are sweet with her. Other great news is that Ruthie is about 6 months pregnant. A little over a week ago we had a medical appointment at Strong that rocked us to the core. An indepth ultrasound revealed the fact that our baby has the rare heart defect, Tetralogy of Fallot. This is the same defect that Evie was born with which required open heart surgery at 5 weeks of age.
I really can't explain the range of emotion. Every cardiologist we consulted with indicated the very minute chance at this type of defect occuring in another child. It brings up a host of difficult memories of Evie's first few months in and out of hospitals - it is wickedly sad and scary.
The medical team stressed that this condition can range in its severity and at this point the pulmonary system is growing decently, but a lot can happen over the next few months. We won't know much more for a few months and prior to the baby's birth we can't do much except be based closer to a major medical facility. We certainly need positive thoughts for the growth of a robust pulmonary system.
I'll do my best to update this blog again at least monthly as a means of processing while also minimizing the amount that we have to reiterate these tales. Its rough, but Evie and Ruth are in great health and we are embracing the day. Though I do feel lost, and will be eternally saddened by this development - I am reminded of Mother Teresa's advice to folks in rough situations - Smile and accept. What we've got is what we've got and it is our life's work to care for these sweet kids with heart problems.
I am struck each day by Evie's unique, wonderful way and this inspires me for moving forward. I say to everynight "Evie you are beautiful and bound for greatness." Her response the night we found out this news - "I know - and Daddy you are beautiful and bound for greatness too."