During the lioness start to March with the biggest snow in a decade we found ourselves kicking around Florida. Great reset trip for the Evie, Ruth and I. Got the opportunity to catch up with ourselves and family throughout the State. As the picture shows we even got a little Disneyworld time in. I never really thought I'd be into taking my children there, but it was a blast. Evie ate it up - especially the princess scene. Also got Evie's first trip on a plane, night time swim, beach trip (thanks Margy), ocean dip, multi-day hotel stay (thanks Ray) and kite experience in. Really good for what ails us. Evie was full of wonder and great quotes throughout.
Moving closer to acceptance that our next child will have the same heart defect that Evie did, but man it still stings. Pretty sure it always will. We are ramping up and preparing physically and mentally for late May and the many developing details to come. We've become inspired to use this as an opportunity to help others going through similar experiences. More information on that forthcoming.
The baby continues to grow well according to midwife analysis. We are still on track for a June 1 due date. Next big cardiology trip is March 26th when we will get some more information on how the little heart is developing. We are looking for a increasing size of the pulmonary system amoung other things. We hope to know more then about specifics of when we will need to transition up to Rochester for the more detailed medical care.
Please continue to keep us in your thoughts. Everything is helpful and appreciated. Enjoy the day.