Tuesday, October 19, 2010

See you in 3

Photo of Kellyn taken by her sister Evie

Rolled up to the Rock (Rochester) yesterday for Kellyn's follow up cardiology appointment. Always a pretty anxiety filled trip. She was weighed (whopping 16lbs. 6 oz.), oxygen sats were taken (100%) and EKG was read. Her cardiologist Dr. Gaum listened to her, investigated her incision and asked us about a few things then declared her to be looking really good. So good that she could stop taking her diaretic and would not have to return to his office for 3 months. Beauty thing. Her heart will never sound or function as a normal heart - as with Evie's - though that is to be expected with the type of surgery she had.

So all is really, really great. We are soaking up the fall in Ithaca - I don't think there is a better spot to be in the world in autumn than the Finger Lakes (except perhaps #1 Oregon).

1 comment:

Erin, Rob and Sean said...

So happy to hear the good news. Hope she is sleeping!!!