It is set. September 9th. Date for Special K's open heart surgery. Gearing up for what will surely be a wild late summer lead up. Roch-cha-cha here we come again! As a reference point Evie had her surgery at 5 weeks old (Kellyn's current age) so we will be in a who different situation. At that point she will be 3 months old and her body will be better able to tolerate surgery.
Of course my big girl Evie's 4th birthday is September 8th and she'll be starting a new school pre-k program that week. Something tells me the surgical date is less negotiable than a dental appointment - did't think that "Uh yeah, that's a tricky week can we adjust that schedule my older girl starts Pre-K that week" would work.
Sure I'm scared, but then again very thankful for Kellyn to have surgery that could help her increase her system's oxygen and assist her ability to function "normally". Of course its already very clear that she is not a normal gal. Sassy, wild, gorgeous and bound to change the world.
Please send us and kids who don't have opportunities to have this life saving surgery - - consider joining us this fall in coordinating a fundraising effort for these folks. More details to come.
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