Friday, September 29, 2006

Surgical Dates Yet to be Set

Evening will be having at least one surgery in the approaching months, though dates have yet to be set. The team of cariologists and surgeons did not discuss her case yesterday - rather decided to discuss it next Thursday. I'm partially pleased that she isn't rushed in for emergency surgery, but also disappointed that we can't set a date to ramp up toward.

Evening is sweet as can be - just up to the typical moving and grooving of being a newborn (from what I've been told is typical). She's up a lot and has some stomach discomfort not thought to be associated with her condition. She's currently resting beautifully on her Mother's chest.

We plan on heading back to Ithaca tomorrow morning and hang there until we hear more information. Evening has requested that we wait at her Grandmother's house until after she see's College Gameday to make sure the crew picks the Ducks to hansomely handle Arizona State in tomorrow afternoon's game. I'll be sure to post some more photos of the sweet lady when we return to Ithaca.


Anonymous said...

Scott, Ruth and Evening - what a beautiful baby you are Evening - the crew here in Charlotte is wishing you good thoughts and good luck with your heart challenges. Gloria had a heart murmur when she was born, but it was the kind that the cardiologist said would take care of itself over time - and it did - I don't recall how long it was but eventually it went away. Gloria is 11 years old now and will be playing in her first Challenge Soccer Tournament tomorrow morning beginning at 8am. I look forward to hearing about your first soccer game someday - I am sure you will be as talented as you are beautiful!
We will be thinking about you. You are now in our prayers.
All our love - David, Janet and Gloria Meiers ... Charlotte, North Carolina

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I just talked to my mom and dad (Margie and PeeWee) and they said good luck as well. Pop goes to meet with the cancer doctors Thursday again to determine what kind of treatments to start on him. If they let him, he may come to New York again Friday for another visit. So maybe he can visit you Evening - if he holds you maybe you can spit up on him - he always likes that!
Love, David

Anonymous said...

Scott& Ruth,
I pray ,and hope all goes well with your little evening ! Keep the faith ,sounds like you are in good hands on the surgical team end. I love the hat in one of the pictures. Peace & Love Bill