Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Deal or No Deal

Here is glorious Evening just post her bath today. She continues to impress us. Big follow up appointment at Strong tomorrow.

As I rocked with Evening in the hospital I found myself making a series of "deals" with her that I am now forced to honor. Below are a few.
  1. Once you get through this I'll hold you and feed you whenever you want.
  2. Once you get through this I will let you stay up late and watch the world series.
  3. Once you get through this you can sleep in our bed until you are 10 years old.
  4. Once you get through this I will buy you a Prius.
  5. Once you get through this I'll let you stay out as late as you want.
  6. Once you get through this I will let you climb all the high peaks in the Adirondacks with your Dad and Grandfather, and take you climbing in the Cascades on a regular basis.
  7. Once you get through this I will sign for you to get a tattoo at age 13.
  8. Once you get through this we can go to the circus, everyday its in town.
  9. Once you get through this I'll let you date - when you are 16.
  10. Once you get through this I will allow you to freely use the phrase - "Well, Dad! I did have heart surgery when I was a month old" to unlock the door to just about anything you want to do.

She is splendid folks - thanks again for all.

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