Back home in Ithaca and resting nicely. Evening and I just helped push the Bills and Ducks to victory by laying on the couch. Just trying to organize the house and ourselves. Evening did not enjoy the first bath we gave her at home and let us know about it. The most difficult thing is handling her when she has an upset stomach, etc. After spending last weekend in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and having her rigged up to a series of monitors - the time when she has the lowest levels of oxygen in her blood are the times when she is upset. So, we want to soothe her even more so than we did in the first couple of weeks. Things are alright - not quite as smooth as with grandparents at close hand (thanks so much Grandma and Grandpa Doyle (of Daley Blvd.) and Grandma Rose!), but she's hanging and enjoying watching the leaves fall.

We visit the pediatrian tomorrow to ensure she is continuing to gain weight. In my expert opinion we are good in that category. I plan on returning to work on Tuesday in order to bank time for her surgery sometime down the line. Ruthie is home for awhile and her mother Rose is coming down this week to help out.
Ruth and I are so thankful for your thoughts and prayers. Coming in from all around the world from folks we don't even know. As one person put it - with all these folks praying for her - she's bound to be okay. Think good thoughts and know we appreciate it.
Hello from Kendall! Thanks for keeping us updated. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
We love you,
Srs. Lucy and Mary Anne
Scott, Ruth and Evening,
We are thinking of you guys every day. Ah, yes, those tearful baths and upset stomachs - Kerek remembers them well. The good news is, they pass. He just got a lovely scrub in the tub this morning and throroughly enjoyed it (yep, he told us that).
And, as was reported in the Register Guard, that massive Duck win was dedicated especially to a beautiful little girl in Ithaca.
Sending you lots of love,
Mimi, Ken and Kerek
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