We are ramping up for a big week for Evening Rian. With Wednesday's impending surgery we are preparing mentally and physically. Packing up the bags, compiling some good books, and building a list of additional questions for the surgical team.
For folks out of the area - we are headed for care at the Golisano Children's Hospital at Strong which is connected with the University of Rochester Medical School (http://www.stronghealth.com/services/childrens/index.cfm). I had great success as a kid with a surgery there and we have had good interactions with the staff thus far. Ruth and I would take her to any end of the earth for this procedure, and feel that the surgeon and team there are at the top of the list. We are happy to be returning home to where much of our families reside for the operation.
Evening has been great. Still wrestles with some gas issues, but is looking fantastic. I will say that she - along with her father and grandfather - were not too happy during the Ducks and Bills performances this weekend - though she looks and acts like a normal month old beauty. That's the wildest thing with this whole ailment - she looks and acts fine outwardly - though inside is struggling.
We still find it hard to believe that she requires surgery - and this quickly - but are pleased to have such a high level of care and such a tremendous support from folks around the world. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Please continue thinking of us - Wednesday 10AM EST is the big day/time. I will do my best to keep you updated. Thanks again for all.
We've got you all covered in prayer and lots of love from the Kendall area...The blogspot is a great way to keep in touch.
I know grandma Rose is looking forward to having some company for a while, too.
God bless,
Mary Anne & Lucy
Scott and Ruth,
Speaking from experience, you and Evening will be in great hands at Strong Children's. Make friends with the nurses, they are truly a Godsend. You are in our prayers and many positive thoughts!
Ed and Val Gaesser
Scott, Ruth and Evening,
We will be thinking of you all day on Wednesday. Positive thoughts in your direction. She looks beautiful I know your positive energy will help her through this experience. I can't wait to see you guys again, I always tell Erin "you shouldn't go more than a week without seeing Scott and Ruth." And now I can't wait to see Evening. On a Thurday night in the near future we can sit on the couch take a deep sigh eat a good meal and just smile contently as we look as a beautiful Evening. See you all soon.
Rob and Erin
Scott, Ruth and Baby Evening...
Our prayers are with you all - keep the faith and stay positive - you are doing a wonderful job! Evening, you are so cute!!!!
God Bless,
The Coco Family
(Nora - I work with your mom Scott)
We will be rooting extra hard for Evening on wednesday during her surgery.
We wish you all the best and will keep you in my thoughts.
Marianella (from prenatal yoga with Ruth), Garin and baby Diego
You're in my prayers!!! I will be thinking of you all day tomorrow. Evening is beautiful and so lucky to have such wonderful parents. I know you will all pull through this just fine.
Stay strong, love you all,
Heather E.
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