It was a ninety degree September day, massive winds were blowing the early fall foliage to the ground. It's a day I will not soon forget. The day Kellyn was discharged from her heart surgery.
Much to my surprise Kellyn's surgeon, Dr. Alfieris, directed the team to pull Kellyn's chest tube and initiate discharge. We questioned this because what seemed to be higher than ideal outputs still. They indicated that since it had been in for nine days and the volume was leveling out - it was wise to take it out. I had to take direction from the good doctor whom we have taken several leaps of faith with and I have literally entrusted the lives of my daughters to.
So chest tube pulled (another really enjoyable event) and we rolled down to have a sedated echo (yet another enjoyable event). I had to hum the Oregon fight song, Mighty Oregon, over and over again just to keep myself sane as she drifted off. They then brought her in for her echo where she laid on a little twin bed as a nurse monitored her vitals and the tech performed the echo. I took the opportunity to jump up on the bed with my little passed out gal and held her limp hand.
We then proceeded back up to the room for her wake up and discharge. She was in tremendous spirits - chest tube out, rebuilt heart, ready to go home.
This weekend will be very, very important to ensure her body heals well and does not accumulate too much fluid. She will apparently be very irritable in a day or two if this occurs. I pray that this discomfort will not come and that we get to the follow up appointment Monday afternoon without complication. For now we are resting at Ruth's mothers house reuniting Kellyn with sweet Evie and enjoying the day.
It was so exhilirating to walk out the door with her and into the balmy, windy day. I can not adequately describe how difficult, intense, and yet amazing this experience is. There is no way you go through something like this as an individual, parent, family member or friend and come out unchanged. Its an experience that cuts you too the core, but exposes great brillance.
Now starts the stressful, yet wonderful steps of recovery. Many, many difficult days to come, but great ones none the less.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.