Post Op Day 3 brought some of the hell that relates to pediatric post-cardiac surgery. The day began decently, but took a significant turn downward when physicians alluded to the potential that Kellyn has a surgical complication known as chyle. It basically manifests itself and a great deal of chest tube discharge because surgery lymphatic tissue that processes fats is damaged and can't process those fats, so fluid builds up in the thoracic cavity (my medical spelling is rough - probably the reason I didn't go to med school - that and a few other reasons). Treatment for this condition is a signifcantly reduced fat diet - tricky for a 3 month old who is soley breastfed. This can extend the hospital stay by a number of weeks! The good news is that as of this morning (Day 4 post op) that drainage went considerably down - though we are in a wait and see at this point. Please, please send your good thoughts for this aspect especially.
The other real special gem occurred a 4AM this morning when it was realized that the IV in her groin where fluids were being administered infiltrated her body, meaning it pierced or moved out of the artery and fluid filled up in her side and groin, SO I had the job of holding my little girls hands and looking her in her eyes as she wailed when they removed the sutured IV and find (after several attempts) a spot for a new IV on her arm (please they did not have to move to the head). Apparantly sweet Kelly's heft does not bode well for placing IVs and drawing blood. The swelling from the liquid is due to go down over the next day or so.
On the positive side - conversations with cardiologists and surgeons were really positive today and she is resting and eating well and just seems much more like her happy self. Here's to that continuing - and working well!
As we sit at her bedside one of books that I pick up periodically is my Green Bible. I admittedly was a bit discouraged and beat up from the evening. I just have been working through some of the Gospels as meditation and will stop perodically, place the book mark and roll on. I open it this morning to where I left off, Mark 5.21, the parable about the leader of the synagogue who asks Jesus to come and visit his very ill daughter. Everyone makes fun of the man for wasting Jesus' time. His remark to him was "Do not fear, just believe." His daughter went on to rise up from her sick bed and walk around. Divine intervention - surely needed that at that moment, even seemed my girl started feeling better after that.
We miss Evie and our home in Ithaca terribly, and really, really want sweet Kellyn to progress in a positive direction. Please think of my little lady, especially in the next 24 hours that this will occur.
Do not fear, just believe.
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